Y&R Recap - Wed Jan 17: Danny Blows Up at Phyllis After Christine's Rejection, While Jack Steps in as Nikki's Sponsor Following Seth's Relapse (2024)

Today’s Young and the Restless recap airs in the USA onWednesday, January 17, 2024, and airs one day ahead in Canada.We post our Y&R recaps every weekday!

Last Episode

On the last episode of Y&R, , and Heather revealed she’s in love with Daniel.

Newman Ranch

Victoria sits on the couch, sipping a hot drink. She thinks back to Claire’s visit to Jordan, and how Claire had overcome her fears and faced up to them. Claire had thanked them for coming with her and being there for her.

Y&R Recap - Wed Jan 17: Danny Blows Up at Phyllis After Christine's Rejection, While Jack Steps in as Nikki's Sponsor Following Seth's Relapse (2)

Victor walks in and hugs Victoria. He asks if the security he arranged was adequate.

Victoria thanks him and says the trip was productive; Claire faced her aunt.

Victor thinks Claire has a lot to sort through.

Y&R Recap - Wed Jan 17: Danny Blows Up at Phyllis After Christine's Rejection, While Jack Steps in as Nikki's Sponsor Following Seth's Relapse (3)

Victoria says she’s not the only one… How does she ensure that Claire doesn’t feel that pain again?

Victor says he doesn’t know what to tell her, but as a parent, you never stop worrying.

Crimson Lights

Lauren brings Nikki a chamomile tea and asks her what’s wrong… Nikki hasn’t said two words since her sponsor was there.

Nikki thinks Seth is drinking again, and it’s all her fault.

Y&R Recap - Wed Jan 17: Danny Blows Up at Phyllis After Christine's Rejection, While Jack Steps in as Nikki's Sponsor Following Seth's Relapse (4)

The Neil Winters Jazz Lounge

Christine looks on, shocked and angry, as Danny and Phyllis make out in the middle of the lounge. She turns away and heads back up the stairs.

Danny pushes away from Phyllis and tells her she can’t keep doing this… He can’t follow her down this road.

Y&R Recap - Wed Jan 17: Danny Blows Up at Phyllis After Christine's Rejection, While Jack Steps in as Nikki's Sponsor Following Seth's Relapse (5)

Phyllis says Danny enjoyed himself… There’s obviously heat between them!

Danny tells her to stop; he’s not interested.

Phyllis laughs and says the kiss said otherwise.

Y&R Recap - Wed Jan 17: Danny Blows Up at Phyllis After Christine's Rejection, While Jack Steps in as Nikki's Sponsor Following Seth's Relapse (6)

Danny tells her that the flirtation is one-sided and won’t go anywhere.

Phyllis says it could if he let it.

Danny says he doesn’t want it to. There’s too much history, and Phyllis is Phyllis.

Y&R Recap - Wed Jan 17: Danny Blows Up at Phyllis After Christine's Rejection, While Jack Steps in as Nikki's Sponsor Following Seth's Relapse (7)

Phyllis says that’s not fair. She’s changed, and Danny knows it! He’s said so!

Danny says he’d like to believe she’s changed, for Daniel’s sake, but then she posted that video that implied there was something romantic between them… She hasn’t changed at all!

Newman Ranch

Victoria tells her father that she doesn’t know much about the meeting between Claire and Jordan; they weren’t in the room with her. She says it was very important to Claire to face her aunt, and she hopes she’ll open up about it when she’s ready.

Y&R Recap - Wed Jan 17: Danny Blows Up at Phyllis After Christine's Rejection, While Jack Steps in as Nikki's Sponsor Following Seth's Relapse (8)

Victor says he’s worried; Victoria seems stressed about it.

Victoria reassures her dad she can handle it… She wants to get to know her daughter and find a way to make up for the life she lost to Jordan.

Victor says he’s had similar issues with Adam; he should have never allowed Hope to raise him alone. He’s tried reconnecting with Adam but isn’t sure he’s ever succeeded. He says Claire’s pain won’t wash away overnight; it will take time.

Y&R Recap - Wed Jan 17: Danny Blows Up at Phyllis After Christine's Rejection, While Jack Steps in as Nikki's Sponsor Following Seth's Relapse (9)

Victoria nods. She says it could be months before Claire trusts them.

Victor says Claire just met Jordan again and hopes it didn’t reawaken her loyalty to her aunt.

Crimson Lights

Lauren tells Nikki that she can’t blame herself for Seth’s drinking… She’s not responsible for his actions!

Y&R Recap - Wed Jan 17: Danny Blows Up at Phyllis After Christine's Rejection, While Jack Steps in as Nikki's Sponsor Following Seth's Relapse (10)

Nikki says she said the same thing to Victor this morning; he wanted to know why Seth hadn’t stopped her from drinking.

Lauren says it’s not Seth’s job… Nikki is the one who decided to take that next drink.

Nikki says all they have to do is not drink, but that’s a tall order!

Y&R Recap - Wed Jan 17: Danny Blows Up at Phyllis After Christine's Rejection, While Jack Steps in as Nikki's Sponsor Following Seth's Relapse (11)

Lauren nods. She says you can take it one day at a time, but when you’re tempted to use, it can be a minute at a time.

Nikki knows if an alcoholic sees another one give in to their urges, it can send them over the edge. She could see that Seth was drinking and would hate it if she was the one who caused her sponsor to go off the wagon.

Lauren says she doesn’t want Nikki’s misguided guilt to trigger a negative reaction. What can she do to help?

Y&R Recap - Wed Jan 17: Danny Blows Up at Phyllis After Christine's Rejection, While Jack Steps in as Nikki's Sponsor Following Seth's Relapse (12)

Jack walks into the patio and says hello. He sees the look on their faces and asks if he’s got bad timing… Is he interrupting?

Nikki says she’s just leaving. She thanks Lauren for keeping her company.

Lauren volunteers to drive Nikki home to the ranch, saying she needs to run something by Victor and would feel better if they left together.

Y&R Recap - Wed Jan 17: Danny Blows Up at Phyllis After Christine's Rejection, While Jack Steps in as Nikki's Sponsor Following Seth's Relapse (13)

Nikki shakes her head and says she’ll make it on her own… Victor is probably in bed by now. She says goodbye and tells Lauren and Jack to have a good evening.

Jack wishes her a good night, and Lauren tells her to drive safely.

Nikki says, “Always,” and leaves the cafe.

Jack says it may be none of his business, but is Nikki okay?

Y&R Recap - Wed Jan 17: Danny Blows Up at Phyllis After Christine's Rejection, While Jack Steps in as Nikki's Sponsor Following Seth's Relapse (14)

Newman Ranch

Victoria tells her father that Claire is finished with Jordan… The trip made that clear; they won’t be teaming up or posing any threat to the Newmans.

Victor tells her to proceed with caution.

Y&R Recap - Wed Jan 17: Danny Blows Up at Phyllis After Christine's Rejection, While Jack Steps in as Nikki's Sponsor Following Seth's Relapse (15)

Victoria says she will, but Victor needs to promise that he won’t hold a grudge against Claire… She’s as much a victim as the rest of them.

Victoria doesn’t know. Claire is an adult, so her sessions are private.

Victor says Cole seems to be a steady ally. He asks how having him in her life feels after all these years.

Y&R Recap - Wed Jan 17: Danny Blows Up at Phyllis After Christine's Rejection, While Jack Steps in as Nikki's Sponsor Following Seth's Relapse (16)

The Jazz Lounge

Phyllis tells Danny that he didn’t push her away when she kissed him… That should tell him something.

Danny says she caught him off-guard. It won’t happen again.

Y&R Recap - Wed Jan 17: Danny Blows Up at Phyllis After Christine's Rejection, While Jack Steps in as Nikki's Sponsor Following Seth's Relapse (17)

Phyllis continues to badger him until Danny angrily snarls that the kiss was the least of it. Posting the video was way out of line!

Phyllis laughs and says he’s a rock star… People post videos of him all the time! She asks if this is about his “precious Christine.”

Danny says this won’t work… It doesn’t feel good or right. Maybe they can be friends for Daniel’s sake, but nothing more. Ever. He leaves the lounge.

Y&R Recap - Wed Jan 17: Danny Blows Up at Phyllis After Christine's Rejection, While Jack Steps in as Nikki's Sponsor Following Seth's Relapse (18)

The GCAC Dining Room

Christine sits at the bar and rewatches the video that Phyllis had posted. She sends Nina a text message. “I was glad to hear you’re back in town. Are you around? I could use a friend.”

Danny walks up from the lounge and sees Christine at the bar. He puts a smile on his face and walks over, saying he’s glad to see her. He leans in to kiss her.

Y&R Recap - Wed Jan 17: Danny Blows Up at Phyllis After Christine's Rejection, While Jack Steps in as Nikki's Sponsor Following Seth's Relapse (19)

Christine pulls away from Danny and asks if Phyllis has been called away on an emergency; is that why he has some free time now?

Danny figures she must have seen the video that Phyllis posted.

Christine says it’s better than that; she saw both of them downstairs.

Y&R Recap - Wed Jan 17: Danny Blows Up at Phyllis After Christine's Rejection, While Jack Steps in as Nikki's Sponsor Following Seth's Relapse (20)

Danny says Phyllis tried to set him up. He says he thought she’d changed, but she hasn’t… Posting the video just proves it. He says he was foolish, and Christine was right about her. He told Phyllis that she had to stop with her competitive nature against Christine.

Christine says she saw the kiss, and it didn’t look like he was set up at all.

Newman Ranch

Victoria tells her dad that Cole is wonderful. He’s calm, reassuring, and cares about Claire like she does.

Y&R Recap - Wed Jan 17: Danny Blows Up at Phyllis After Christine's Rejection, While Jack Steps in as Nikki's Sponsor Following Seth's Relapse (21)

Victor nods. He says Victoria and Cole have put their lives on hold for Claire; that must have caused some ripple effects.

Victoria asks if he misses her at Newman.

Victor grins. What does she think?

Y&R Recap - Wed Jan 17: Danny Blows Up at Phyllis After Christine's Rejection, While Jack Steps in as Nikki's Sponsor Following Seth's Relapse (22)

Victoria smiles and asks how everything is working out with Nick and Adam.

Victor says it’s working out alright. He understands that Victoria needs to be there for Claire. He says that Victoria will always be an important part of Newman Enterprises. He says he found it good to throw himself into work when stressed.

Victoria laughs. No pressure!

Nikki walks into the room. She’s surprised to see Victoria there.

Y&R Recap - Wed Jan 17: Danny Blows Up at Phyllis After Christine's Rejection, While Jack Steps in as Nikki's Sponsor Following Seth's Relapse (23)

Crimson Lights

Jack sits with Lauren and tells her that if Nikki’s in trouble, he’d like to help.

Lauren says he’s a good friend. Michael is out of town, and she could use some advice. She tells him that what she says to him must remain confidential.

Y&R Recap - Wed Jan 17: Danny Blows Up at Phyllis After Christine's Rejection, While Jack Steps in as Nikki's Sponsor Following Seth's Relapse (24)

Jack assures her she can trust him.

Lauren says Nikki is in trouble, and Lauren is in over her head. She says she knows Jack won’t pass judgment.

Jack figures it out. “Nikki’s drinking again, isn’t she?”

Lauren figures they should talk about it privately. They agree to meet at Jack’s house, and they leave the cafe.

Y&R Recap - Wed Jan 17: Danny Blows Up at Phyllis After Christine's Rejection, While Jack Steps in as Nikki's Sponsor Following Seth's Relapse (25)

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Newman Ranch

Victor asks why Nikki seems agitated.

Nikki says she ran into Seth, her sponsor, and he didn’t seem himself. She thinks he’s been drinking again.

Y&R Recap - Wed Jan 17: Danny Blows Up at Phyllis After Christine's Rejection, While Jack Steps in as Nikki's Sponsor Following Seth's Relapse (26)

Victoria asks if she knows for a fact that he’s been drinking.

Nikki says she knows the signs and worries that she drove Seth to drink.

Victor says that’s not how it works, and Nikki knows it.

Y&R Recap - Wed Jan 17: Danny Blows Up at Phyllis After Christine's Rejection, While Jack Steps in as Nikki's Sponsor Following Seth's Relapse (27)

Victoria nods. She says her mom isn’t responsible for his behavior!

Victor says Nikki said that herself.

Nikki knows. She didn’t ask for alcohol to be injected into her system, but she bought a pint of vodka afterward and has a flask. She took the drink, and she had a trigger… But so did Seth, and she’s his trigger.

Y&R Recap - Wed Jan 17: Danny Blows Up at Phyllis After Christine's Rejection, While Jack Steps in as Nikki's Sponsor Following Seth's Relapse (28)

The Abbott Mansion

Lauren tells Jack that Nikki is indeed drinking again. She doesn’t know all the details, but apparently, a “vile vengeful” woman forced alcohol on her, and now her addiction is in full force through no fault of her own.

Jack shakes his head. Poor Nikki has been sober for a long time! He asks why Lauren thinks she’s in over her head.

Y&R Recap - Wed Jan 17: Danny Blows Up at Phyllis After Christine's Rejection, While Jack Steps in as Nikki's Sponsor Following Seth's Relapse (29)

Lauren sighs and says Nikki thinks her sponsor is drinking again and that it’s her fault. She thinks watching her struggle has caused Seth to break his sobriety.

Jack says it’s called Stinking Thinking.

Lauren says she’s at a loss for what to do… She can’t stay with Nikki; Jack saw how Nikki was adamant that Lauren not drive her home.

Y&R Recap - Wed Jan 17: Danny Blows Up at Phyllis After Christine's Rejection, While Jack Steps in as Nikki's Sponsor Following Seth's Relapse (30)

Jack asks if Victor knows.

Lauren says he knows and is very supportive, but Nikki is mortified and doesn’t want to be a burden. She doesn’t want Victor to see her at her worst. She needs someone who’s been an addict to help her with her support, but if Seth is drinking, he’s the last person Nikki should be talking to.

Jack figures Lauren is asking him to step in as Nikki’s sponsor.

Y&R Recap - Wed Jan 17: Danny Blows Up at Phyllis After Christine's Rejection, While Jack Steps in as Nikki's Sponsor Following Seth's Relapse (31)

The GCAC Dining Room

Danny tells Christine that she knows how Phyllis can be…

Christine knows Phyllis can be relentless but can’t believe that’s Danny’s excuse. Did Phyllis wear him down with her questionable charms?

Y&R Recap - Wed Jan 17: Danny Blows Up at Phyllis After Christine's Rejection, While Jack Steps in as Nikki's Sponsor Following Seth's Relapse (32)

Danny says he’s been naive, and he should have set Phyllis straight when she first started making eyes at him, but he thought she’d get the hint and back off. He didn’t want to hurt her feelings.

Christine says Phyllis is so delicate and fragile, but it still doesn’t explain the kiss. She says she’s done playing games and competing with Phyllis for Danny’s attention. Her phone pings with a notification from Nina, asking where to meet. Christine replies that she’ll see her at Society in ten minutes.

Danny asks Christine if they can go somewhere to talk.

Y&R Recap - Wed Jan 17: Danny Blows Up at Phyllis After Christine's Rejection, While Jack Steps in as Nikki's Sponsor Following Seth's Relapse (33)

Christine shakes her head and says they can’t. Danny has to figure out what he wants, and he needs to do it without her.

Danny takes her by the arms and says he knows what he wants… He wants her.

Christine thinks he’s having too much fun being in the middle of two women.

Y&R Recap - Wed Jan 17: Danny Blows Up at Phyllis After Christine's Rejection, While Jack Steps in as Nikki's Sponsor Following Seth's Relapse (34)

Danny says it’s not fun; Christine knows him better than that!

Christine says it’s fine if he wants to be with Phyllis… Crazy, but fine. It’s his choice to make, and the kiss she witnessed tells her he’s not sure. She leaves the club, passing Phyllis in the lobby on the way out.

Newman Ranch

Victor tells Nikki he’s sorry she’s going through it, but she’s not responsible for Seth’s downfall, though she may feel she is.

Y&R Recap - Wed Jan 17: Danny Blows Up at Phyllis After Christine's Rejection, While Jack Steps in as Nikki's Sponsor Following Seth's Relapse (35)

Nikki thanks him for understanding.

Victoria thinks Nikki might need to rest; she’ll feel differently in the morning.

Nikki says she wasn’t overreacting, and as much as she’d like to detach from this, she’s worried about Seth. People in AA look out for each other! She reached out to him on the way home but got no response; he normally answers her or calls back within fifteen minutes.

Y&R Recap - Wed Jan 17: Danny Blows Up at Phyllis After Christine's Rejection, While Jack Steps in as Nikki's Sponsor Following Seth's Relapse (36)

Victoria thinks he could be busy or at a movie or dinner.

Nikki nods. She’ll give Seth more time to answer her.


Nina and Christine hug each other in greeting and have a seat. Nina says Christine is a big ball of energy.

Y&R Recap - Wed Jan 17: Danny Blows Up at Phyllis After Christine's Rejection, While Jack Steps in as Nikki's Sponsor Following Seth's Relapse (37)

Christine says it’s been “one of those nights.”

Nina orders a couple of glasses of red wine.

Christine says she’s thankful that Nina’s in town and available to talk late.

Y&R Recap - Wed Jan 17: Danny Blows Up at Phyllis After Christine's Rejection, While Jack Steps in as Nikki's Sponsor Following Seth's Relapse (38)

Nina says she’s wide awake; she’s on California time!

Christine’s glad… This could take a while! Maybe she should just scream at the top of her lungs and let it out.

Nina raises an eyebrow and asks if this concerns Paul; did Christine hear from him?

Y&R Recap - Wed Jan 17: Danny Blows Up at Phyllis After Christine's Rejection, While Jack Steps in as Nikki's Sponsor Following Seth's Relapse (39)

Christine says it doesn’t have to do with Paul… She got a generic Christmas card from him but doesn’t expect to hear from him again in any significant fashion.

Nina says that leaves Danny. Weren’t they going to spend the holiday together?

Christine says they had a great Christmas and New Year’s. They planned a romantic getaway for the weekend, but that’s on indefinite hold.

Y&R Recap - Wed Jan 17: Danny Blows Up at Phyllis After Christine's Rejection, While Jack Steps in as Nikki's Sponsor Following Seth's Relapse (40)

Nina asks what she’s missing.

Christine says it’s not what… It’s who.

Nina says she can only think of one person who could put that look in Christine’s eye.

Y&R Recap - Wed Jan 17: Danny Blows Up at Phyllis After Christine's Rejection, While Jack Steps in as Nikki's Sponsor Following Seth's Relapse (41)

Christine says she should have known better than to trust Danny’s feelings with Phyllis in the mix.

Nina scoffs. She says there’s no way Danny and Phyllis would ever be an item again.

Christine says it seems like it is possible, and she’ll be damned if she’s going to sit by and watch it happen again.

Y&R Recap - Wed Jan 17: Danny Blows Up at Phyllis After Christine's Rejection, While Jack Steps in as Nikki's Sponsor Following Seth's Relapse (42)

Nina says she needs details.

Christine recounts how Phyllis shared a video of Danny with the caption, “That feeling when your ex plays you a love song.”

Nina is incredulous; what nerve!

Y&R Recap - Wed Jan 17: Danny Blows Up at Phyllis After Christine's Rejection, While Jack Steps in as Nikki's Sponsor Following Seth's Relapse (43)

Christine says it gets worse. She could tell from the video that they were in the jazz lounge, so she went to find Danny and found them kissing in the lounge.

Nina buries her head in her hands. She asks if they saw her.

Christine says they didn’t. She turned around and left!

Y&R Recap - Wed Jan 17: Danny Blows Up at Phyllis After Christine's Rejection, While Jack Steps in as Nikki's Sponsor Following Seth's Relapse (44)

Nina says they’re talking about Phyllis; she probably staged the whole thing! She probably lured Christine with the video and kissed Danny on cue.

Christine doesn’t believe that Phyllis timed it so perfectly.

Nina shrugs. The timing might have been luck, but she wouldn’t put it past Phyllis… She’s conniving and has no shame; she threw herself at Danny to get under Christine’s skin!

Christine says it’s an interesting theory, but Nina didn’t see the way Danny kissed Phyllis back.

Y&R Recap - Wed Jan 17: Danny Blows Up at Phyllis After Christine's Rejection, While Jack Steps in as Nikki's Sponsor Following Seth's Relapse (45)

The Abbott Mansion

Jack tells Lauren he’s willing to do anything for Nikki.

Lauren thanks him and says she doesn’t think anyone would be better.

Y&R Recap - Wed Jan 17: Danny Blows Up at Phyllis After Christine's Rejection, While Jack Steps in as Nikki's Sponsor Following Seth's Relapse (46)

Jack says he saw the look in Nikki’s eye when she left them at the coffee house… She didn’t want Jack to know what was going on!

Lauren says Nikki has given her no choice. She can’t imagine Nikki would reach out to anyone at AA.

Jack says he can’t figure out how to talk to Nikki about it without mentioning Lauren’s name.

Y&R Recap - Wed Jan 17: Danny Blows Up at Phyllis After Christine's Rejection, While Jack Steps in as Nikki's Sponsor Following Seth's Relapse (47)

Lauren says she appreciates Jack wanting to protect her and suggests he ask to spend time with Nikki; an opportunity will arise to talk to her about it.

Jack nods. Maybe with their history together, the subject will come up on its own. It’s worth a shot!

Newman Ranch

Victor and Nikki sit at the chess table, talking. Victor says Nick and Adam’s presentation was sound, and he’s pleased with them working together.

Y&R Recap - Wed Jan 17: Danny Blows Up at Phyllis After Christine's Rejection, While Jack Steps in as Nikki's Sponsor Following Seth's Relapse (48)

Nikki seems distracted. She says she never trusted Adam and doubts she ever will, but it’s great that he’s getting along with Nick. She’s more concerned about Victoria; was Claire able to hold her own against Jordan?

Victor says he’s concerned about it, too. He says Victoria thought it was good for Claire to meet with Jordan and was happy with the outcome.

Nikki says she’s glad; things could have gone a different way!

Y&R Recap - Wed Jan 17: Danny Blows Up at Phyllis After Christine's Rejection, While Jack Steps in as Nikki's Sponsor Following Seth's Relapse (49)

Victor says he trusts Victoria’s instincts; she’s tough and knows what she’s doing. She’ll work it out.

Nikki’s phone pings with a message notification from Seth. She reads the message aloud. “Sorry it took so long for me to get back to you. Are you okay? Do you need help?”

Victor says Nikki shouldn’t answer him. If what she says it true, he broke his sobriety and shouldn’t be her sponsor. He says she should call AA and have them find her another sponsor.

Y&R Recap - Wed Jan 17: Danny Blows Up at Phyllis After Christine's Rejection, While Jack Steps in as Nikki's Sponsor Following Seth's Relapse (50)


Nina says if Danny was into the kiss with Phyllis, that adds a whole new wrinkle.

Christine thinks it’s one of two things… Either Danny has feelings for Phyllis that he’s having trouble fighting, or he’s so weak that Phyllis has him wrapped around her finger. Either way, Christine refuses to get hurt again, so she will end things before she gets hurt any further.

Y&R Recap - Wed Jan 17: Danny Blows Up at Phyllis After Christine's Rejection, While Jack Steps in as Nikki's Sponsor Following Seth's Relapse (51)

The GCAC Dining Room

Phyllis walks up to Danny and sits beside him at the bar. She asks, “What’s bugging the bug?”

Danny tells her she went too far. He tells her to leave him alone and let him live his life. They’re done!

Y&R Recap - Wed Jan 17: Danny Blows Up at Phyllis After Christine's Rejection, While Jack Steps in as Nikki's Sponsor Following Seth's Relapse (52)

Phyllis says they share a son and have a granddaughter… They have a family.

Danny says they’re nothing after tonight. He wishes her the best, but they have no relationship! Phyllis might have blown the only chance at his future with Christine!

Phyllis tells him he wouldn’t be so angry if he weren’t conflicted.

Danny yells, “Enough!” He tells her to leave him alone. He picks up his coat and leaves the club.

Y&R Recap - Wed Jan 17: Danny Blows Up at Phyllis After Christine's Rejection, While Jack Steps in as Nikki's Sponsor Following Seth's Relapse (53)

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Y&R Recap - Wed Jan 17: Danny Blows Up at Phyllis After Christine's Rejection, While Jack Steps in as Nikki's Sponsor Following Seth's Relapse (2024)


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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

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Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.