SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (2024)

SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (1)
Swtorista | January 5, 2021

In the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion and later, players can recruit many companions to join their alliance, including brand new companions and companions from other stories.

If you are a new player, you may want to read the basic Companions Guide first.


  • Story
    • Lana Beniko
    • Theron Shan
    • Koth Vortena
    • Senya
    • Arcann
    • Jakarro
  • Sith Inquisitor
    • Khem Val
    • Ashara Zavros
    • Andronikos Revel
    • Xalek
    • Talos Drellik
  • Jedi Consular
    • Tharan Cedrax
    • Nadia Grell
    • Felix Iresso
    • Qyzen Fess
    • Zenith
  • Jedi Knight
    • T7-O1
    • Kira Carsen
    • Doc
    • Scourge
    • Fideltin Rusk
  • Imperial Agent
    • Kaliyo
    • Vector Hyllus
    • Doctor Lokin
    • Raina Temple
  • Trooper
    • Aric Jorgan
    • Elara Dorne
    • M1-4X
    • Yuun
    • Tanno Vik
  • Sith Warrior
    • Vette
    • Jaesa Willsaam
    • Lieutenant Pierce
    • Malavai Quinn
    • Broonmark
  • Bounty Hunter
    • Mako
    • Blizz
    • Gault
    • Torian Cadera
    • Skadge
  • Smuggler
    • Corso Riggs
    • Risha
    • Bowdaar
    • Akaavi Spar
    • Guss Tuno
  • Other
    • C2-N2
    • 2V-R8
    • Ak’Ghal Usar
  • Star Fortress
    • Choza Raabat
    • Deadeye Leyta
    • Hemdil Tre
    • K’Krohl
    • Rokuss
    • Veeroa Denz
  • Special
    • HK-55
    • Z0-0M
    • Darth Hexid
    • HK-51
    • Treek
    • Gamorrean Guard
    • Phrojo Nuray
    • Quick Vrik
    • Lysslo (Geonosian)
    • H2-WF
  • Retired
    • Master Ranos
    • Nico Okarr
    • Paxton Rall
    • Shae Vizla


Lana Beniko

SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (2)

Joins: Chapter 3 of Knights of the Fallen Empire, ‘Outlander’

Recruitable By: All Characters

Requirements: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (3) Chapter 3 KOTFE

Info: Lana Beniko Recruitment

Theron Shan

SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (4)

Joins: Chapter 9 of Knights of the Fallen Empire, ‘The Alliance’

Recruitable By: All Characters

Requirements: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (5) Chapter 9 KOTFE

Info: Theron Shan Recruitment

Koth Vortena

SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (6)

Joins: Chapter 3 of Knights of the Fallen Empire, ‘Outlander’

Recruitable By: All Characters

Requirements: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (7) Chapter 3 KOTFE

Info: Koth Vortena Recruitment


SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (8)

Joins: Chapter 5 of Knights of the Fallen Empire, ‘From the Grave’

Recruitable By: All Characters

Requirements: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (9) Chapter 5 KOTFE

Info: Senya Recruitment


SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (10)

Joins: Chapter 6 of Knights of the Eternal Throne, ‘Dragon’s Maw’

Alliance Alert: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (11) Unmasked Regret

Recruitable By: All Characters, depending on choices

Requirements: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (12) Chapter 6 KOTET, Senya and Arcann must be alive

Info: Arcann Recruitment


SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (13)

Joins: Onslaught Expansion

Recruitable By: All Characters

Requirements: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (14) Onslaught

Info: Jakarro Recruitment

Sith Inquisitor

Khem Val

SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (15)

Returns: After Ossus / Jedi Under Siege

Alliance Alert: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (16) A Long Lost Hunger

Recruitable By: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (17) Sith Inquisitor only

Requirements: Must complete SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (18) Ossus / Jedi Under Siege, does not seem to require you to do any other Alliance Alerts first

Info: Khem Val Returns (Alliance Alert: A Long Lost Hunger)

Ashara Zavros

SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (19)

Returns: After Chapter 9 of Knights of the Fallen Empire

Alliance Alert: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (20) A Padawan No More

Recruitable By: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (21) Sith Inquisitor only

Requirements: Does not require any other Alliance alerts to be completed

Info: Ashara Zavros (Alliance Alert: A Padawan No More)

Andronikos Revel

SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (22)

Returns: After Chapter 9 of Knights of the Fallen Empire

Alliance Alert: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (23) Pirate’s Life

Recruitable By: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (24) Sith Inquisitor only

Requirements: Does not require any other Alliance alerts to be completed

Info: Andronikos Revel (Alliance Alert: Pirate’s Life)


SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (25)

Returns: After Chapter 9 of Knights of the Fallen Empire

Alliance Alert: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (26) Death Before Dishonor

Recruitable By: All Characters

Requirements: Must complete the SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (27) ‘To Find a Findsman’ Alliance Alert (Yuun) first

Info: Xalek Returns (Alliance Alert: Death Before Dishonor)

Talos Drellik

SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (28)

Returns: After Chapter 9 of Knights of the Fallen Empire

Alliance Alert: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (29) Fighting Power with Knowledge

Recruitable By: All Characters

Requirements: Must complete the SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (30) ‘To Find a Findsman’ Alliance Alert (Yuun) first

Info: Talos Drellik Returns (Alliance Alert: Fighting Power with Knowledge)

Jedi Consular

Tharan Cedrax

SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (31)

Returns: Onslaught

Alliance Alert: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (32) Long-Awaited Genius

Recruitable By: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (33) Jedi Consular only

Requirements: Tharan – do you need to complete ‘To Find a Findsman’ or just onslaught (I know you need Onslaught) to do ‘Long-Awaited Genius’ alert?

Info: Tharan Cedrax Returns (Alliance Alert: Long-Awaited Genius)

Nadia Grell

SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (34)

Returns: After Ossus / Jedi Under Siege (all Republic characters meet her)

Alliance Alert: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (35) The Padawan and Her Master

Recruitable By: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (36) Jedi Consulars only

Requirements: Complete Ossus / Jedi Under Siege, does not require any other Alliance alerts to be completed

Info: Nadia Grell Returns (Alliance Alert: The Padawan and Her Master)

Felix Iresso

SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (37)

Returns: After Ossus / Jedi Under Siege

Alliance Alert: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (38) Jail Broken

Recruitable By: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (39) Jedi Consulars only

Requirements: Complete Ossus / Jedi Under Siege, does not require any other Alliance alerts to be completed

Info: Felix Iresso Recruitment

Qyzen Fess

SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (40)

Returns: After Chapter 9 of Knights of the Fallen Empire

Alliance Alert: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (41) Stalking The Score

Recruitable By: All Characters

Requirements: Must complete the SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (42) ‘To Find a Findsman’ Alliance Alert (Yuun) first

Info: Qyzen Fess Returns (Alliance Alert: Stalking The Score)


SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (43)

Returns: After Spirit of Vengeance

Alliance Alert: Relentless Ambition (short quest, not an alert)

Recruitable By: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (44) Jedi Consular only

Requirements: There’s no alert, so the requirement is that you need to have caught up to the Relentless Ambition Quest and be on a Jedi Consular. Relentless Ambition takes place after you compete Spirit of Vengeance, then the two small short quests Conflicting Priorities (where you get a hint about Zenith returning), then Relentless Ambitions. There’s another short quest immediately after called Whispers in the Force. If you are a Jedi Consular you will be able to invite him to join the Alliance or Flirt with him and have him join the Alliance and join as a companion. Non-Consular Republic characters will still meet with Zenith, but Zenith says he will not work with the Alliance as they are aligned with Imperial. Later, however, players will receive a letter saying Zenith will consider working with them in the future, but will not have him as a companion. Imperial-aligned players don’t see him at all as they are working against him.

Gift Preference Change: When Zenith returns to the Jedi Consular, he will favor Underworld Good gifts the most, while before he liked Military Gear best. He will now love Underworld Good gifts the most, and secondary favorite Military Gear and Weapon gifts.

Info: Zenith Returns (Quest: Relentless Ambition)

Jedi Knight


SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (45)

Returns: Chapter 3 of Knights of the Fallen Empire, ‘Outlander’

Recruitable By: All Characters

Requirements: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (46) Chapter 3 KOTFE

Info: T7-O1 Returns (Chapter 3 of Knights of the Fallen Empire, Outlander)

Kira Carsen

SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (47)

Returns: After Onslaught Expansion

Alliance Alert (Jedi Knight Only): SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (48) The Padawan Returns

Recruitable By: All Characters

Requirements: Kira / Scourge – do you need to complete ‘To Find a Findsman’ or just onslaught for their alliance alerts (they automatically join you) to do ‘The Padawan Returns’ and ‘Wrath Triumphant’ alerts?

Info: Kira Carsen Returns (Alliance Alert: The Padawan Returns)


SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (49)

Returns: Ossus / Jedi Under Siege(all Republic characters meet him)

Alliance Alert: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (50) Mending Ties

Recruitable By: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (51) Jedi Knight only

Requirements: Must complete SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (52) Ossus / Jedi Under Siege, does not seem you need to complete any other Alliance Alerts first

Info: Doc (Alliance Alert: Mending Ties)


SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (53)

Returns: After Onslaught Expansion

Alliance Alert (Jedi Knight only): SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (54) Wrath Triumphant

Recruitable By: All Characters

Requirements: Kira / Scourge – do you need to complete ‘To Find a Findsman’ or just onslaught for their alliance alerts (they automatically join you) to do ‘The Padawan Returns’ and ‘Wrath Triumphant’ alerts?

Info: Scourge Returns (Alliance Alert: Wrath Triumphant)

Fideltin Rusk

SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (55)

Returns: After Chapter 9 of Knights of the Fallen Empire

Alliance Alert: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (56) Bonds of Duty

Recruitable By: All Characters

Requirements: Must complete the SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (57) ‘To Find a Findsman’ Alliance Alert (Yuun) first

Info: Fideltin Rusk Returns (Alliance Alert: Bonds of Duty)

Imperial Agent


SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (58)

Returns: Chapter 10 of Knights of the Fallen Empire, ‘Anarchy in Paradise’

Recruitable By: All Characters

Info: Kaliyo Returns (Chapter 10 of Knights of the Fallen Empire, Anarchy in Paradise)

Vector Hyllus

SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (59)

Returns: After Chapter 9 of Knights of the Fallen Empire

Alliance Alert: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (60) Vector’s Vector

Recruitable By: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (61) Imperial Agent only

Requirements: Does not require any other Alliance alerts to be completed first

Info: Vector Hyllus Returns (Alliance Alert: Vector’s Vector)

Doctor Lokin

SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (62)

Returns: After Chapter 9 of Knights of the Fallen Empire

Alliance Alert: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (63) A Kindly Old Monster

Recruitable By: All Characters

Requirements: Must complete the SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (64) ‘To Find a Findsman’ Alliance Alert (Yuun) first (There seems to be some confusion around this – my testing and another player showed you only need Yuun, if you are unable to do it, complete Qyzen’s quest as well to unlock it.)

Info: Doctor Lokin (Alliance Alert: A Kindly Old Monster)


SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (65)

Returns: Chapter 7 of Knights of the Fallen Empire, ‘Lady of Sorrows’

Recruitable By: All Characters, but can not stay permanently

Info: SCORPIO Returns (Chapter 7 of Knights of the Fallen Empire, Lady of Sorrows)

Raina Temple

SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (66)

Returns: A Traitor Among the Chiss Flashpoint Story

Recruitable By: All Characters

Info: Ensign Raina Temple Returns (A Traitor Among the Chiss)


Aric Jorgan

SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (67)

Returns: Chapter 6 of Knights of the Fallen Empire, ‘Disavowed’

Recruitable By: All Characters

Requirements: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (68) Chapter 6 KOTFE

Info: Aric Jorgan Returns (Chapter 6 of Knights of the Fallen Empire, Disavowed)

Elara Dorne

SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (69)

Returns: Iokath

Alliance Alert (Trooper only): SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (70) Squared Away

Recruitable By: All Republic-Aligned Characters

Requirements: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (71) Iokath, must side with the Republic



SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (72)

Returns: After Chapter 9 of Knights of the Fallen Empire

Alliance Alert: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (73) The Booming Vocoder For Freedom

Recruitable By: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (74) SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (75) SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (76) SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (77) All Republic Characters

Requirements: Must complete the SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (78) ‘To Find a Findsman’ Alliance Alert (Yuun) first

Info: M1-4X Returns (Alliance Alert: The Booming Vocoder For Freedom)


SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (79)

Returns: After Chapter 9 of Knights of the Fallen Empire

Alliance Alert: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (80) To Find a Findsman

Recruitable By: All Characters

Requirements: This is the first Alliance Alert you are meant to do, no requirements except to do Chapter 9 of KOTFE

Info: Yuun Returns (Alliance Alert: To Find a Findsman)

Tanno Vik

SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (81)

Returns: During Chapter 6 of Knights of the Fallen Empire, ‘Asylum’

Recruitable By: None

Requirements: This companion will not join you, even if you are a Trooper.

Info: Tanno Vik Recruitment

Sith Warrior


SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (82)

Returns: Chapter 13 of Knights of the Fallen Empire, Profit and Plunder

Recruitable By: All Characters

Requirements: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (83) Chapter 13 KOTFE

Info: Vette Returns (Chapter 13 of Knights of the Fallen Empire, Profit and Plunder)

Jaesa Willsaam

SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (84)

Returns: After Ossus / Jedi Under Siege

Alliance Alert: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (85) Back in the Fold (Light-side return) / SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (86) Feel the Wrath (Dark-side return)

Recruitable By: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (87) Sith Warrior only

Requirements: Must complete SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (88) Ossus / Jedi Under Siege, AND must complete the SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (89) ‘To Find a Findsman’ Alliance Alert (Yuun) first ???? – Jaesa – do you need to complete ‘To Find a Findsman’ or just ossus (I know you need Ossus) to do Back in the Fold (Light-side return) / Alliance Alert Feel the Wrath (Dark-side return) alerts?

Info: Jaesa Willsaam Returns (Alliance Alert: Back in the Fold (Light-side return) / Alliance Alert: Feel the Wrath (Dark-side return))

Lieutenant Pierce

SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (90)

Returns: After Chapter 9 of Knights of the Fallen Empire

Alliance Alert: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (91) The Forgotten Trophy

Recruitable By: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (92) SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (93) SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (94) SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (95) All Imperial Characters

Requirements: Must complete the SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (96) ‘To Find a Findsman’ Alliance Alert (Yuun) first

Info: Lieutenant Pierce Returns (Alliance Alert: The Forgotten Trophy)

Malavai Quinn

SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (97)

Returns: Iokath

Recruitable By: All Imperial-Aligned Characters

Requirements: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (98) Iokath, must side with the Empire

Info: Malavai Quinn Returns (Iokath)


SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (99)

Returns: After Chapter 9 of Knights of the Fallen Empire

Alliance Alert: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (100) The Last of His Kind

Recruitable By: All Characters

Requirements: Must complete the SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (101) ‘To Find a Findsman’ Alliance Alert (Yuun) first

Info: Broonmark (Alliance Alert: The Last of His Kind)

Bounty Hunter


SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (102)

Returns: After Chapter 9 of Knights of the Fallen Empire

Alliance Alert: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (103) The Tatooine Rundown

Recruitable By: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (104) Smuggler or SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (105) Bounty Hunter only

Requirements: Does not require any other Alliance alerts to be completed first

Info: Mako Returns (Alliance Alert: The Tatooine Rundown)


SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (106)

Returns: After Chapter 9 of Knights of the Fallen Empire

Alliance Alert: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (107) Little Boss

Recruitable By: All Characters

Requirements: Must complete the SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (108) ‘To Find a Findsman’ Alliance Alert (Yuun) first

Info: Blizz (Alliance Alert: Little Boss)


SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (109)

Returns: Chapter 13 of Knights of the Fallen Empire, Profit and Plunder

Recruitable By: All Characters

Requirements: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (110) Chapter 13 KOTFE

Info: Gault Returns (Chapter 13 of Knights of the Fallen Empire, Profit and Plunder)

Torian Cadera

SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (111)

Returns: Chapter 14 of Knights of the Fallen Empire, Mandalore’s Revenge

Recruitable By: All Characters

Requirements: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (112) Chapter 14 KOTFE

Info: Torian Cadera Returns (Chapter 14 of Knights of the Fallen Empire, Mandalore’s Revenge)


SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (113)

Returns: After Chapter 9 of Knights of the Fallen Empire

Alliance Alert: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (114) Bonds Of Duty

Recruitable By: All Characters

Requirements: Must complete the SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (115) ‘To Find a Findsman’ Alliance Alert (Yuun) first

Info: Skadge Returns (Alliance Alert: Bonds Of Duty)


Corso Riggs

SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (116)

Returns: After Chapter 9 of Knights of the Fallen Empire

Alliance Alert: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (117) Unhappy Returns

Recruitable By: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (118) Smuggler only

Requirements: Does not require any other Alliance alerts to be completed first

Info: Corso Riggs (Alliance Alert: Unhappy Returns)


SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (119)

Returns: After Chapter 9 of Knights of the Fallen Empire

Alliance Alert: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (120) Unhappy Returns

Recruitable By: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (121) Smuggler only

Requirements: Does not require any other Alliance alerts to be completed first

Info: Risha Returns (Alliance Alert: Unhappy Returns)


SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (122)

Returns: After Chapter 9 of Knights of the Fallen Empire

Alliance Alert: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (123) Freedom Fight

Recruitable By: All Characters

Requirements: Must complete the SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (124) ‘To Find a Findsman’ Alliance Alert (Yuun) first

Info: Bowdaar (Alliance Alert: Freedom Fight)

Akaavi Spar

SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (125)

Returns: After Chapter 9 of Knights of the Fallen Empire

Alliance Alert: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (126) The Tatooine Rundown

Recruitable By: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (127) Smuggler or SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (128) Bounty Hunter only

Requirements: Does not require any other Alliance alerts to be completed first

Info: Akaavi Spar Recruitment

Guss Tuno

SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (129)

Returns: After Chapter 9 of Knights of the Fallen Empire

Alliance Alert: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (130) Shining in Darkness

Recruitable By: All Characters

Requirements: Must complete the SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (131) ‘To Find a Findsman’ Alliance Alert (Yuun) then the SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (132) ‘Little Boss’ Alliance Alert (Blizz) first

Info: Guss Tuno Returns (Alliance Alert: Shining in Darkness)



SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (133)

Returns: After Chapter 9 of Knights of the Fallen Empire

Recruitable By: All Characters

Requirements: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (134) Chapter 9 KOTFE, SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (135) Quest – The Highest Level of Service

Info: C2-N2 Returns (Quest: The Highest Level of Service)


SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (136)

Returns: After Chapter 9 of Knights of the Fallen Empire

Recruitable By: All Characters

Requirements: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (137) Chapter 9 KOTFE, SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (138) Quest – Proper Fearful Obedience

Info: 2V-R8 Returns (Quest: Proper Fearful Obedience)

Ak’Ghal Usar

SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (139)

Joins: After Chapter 9 of Knights of the Fallen Empire

Alliance Alert: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (140) Reclaimed Treasure

Recruitable By: All Characters

Requirements: Must complete the SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (141) ‘To Find a Findsman’ Alliance Alert (Yuun) and the SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (142) ‘Fighting Power with Knowledge’ Alliance Alert (Talos Drellik) first

Info: Ak'Ghal Usar Recruitment

Star Fortress

Choza Raabat

SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (143)

Joins: Star Fortress, After Chapter 9 of Knights of the Fallen Empire

Star Fortress: Alderaan

Recruitable By: All Characters

Requirements: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (144) Chapter 9 KOTFE

Info: Choza Raabat Recruitment

Deadeye Leyta

SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (145)

Joins: Star Fortress, After Chapter 9 of Knights of the Fallen Empire

Star Fortress: Tatooine

Recruitable By: All Characters

Requirements: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (146) Chapter 9 KOTFE

Info: Deadeye Leyta Recruitment

Hemdil Tre

SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (147)

Joins: Star Fortress, After Chapter 9 of Knights of the Fallen Empire

Star Fortress: Hoth

Recruitable By: All Characters

Requirements: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (148) Chapter 9 KOTFE

Info: Hemdil Tre Recruitment


SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (149)

Joins: Star Fortress, After Chapter 9 of Knights of the Fallen Empire

Star Fortress: Belsavis

Recruitable By: All Characters

Requirements: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (150) Chapter 9 KOTFE

Info: K'Krohl Recruitment


SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (151)

Joins: Star Fortress, After Chapter 9 of Knights of the Fallen Empire

Star Fortress: Voss

Recruitable By: All Characters

Requirements: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (152) Chapter 9 KOTFE

Info: Rokuss Recruitment

Veeroa Denz

SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (153)

Joins: Star Fortress, After Chapter 9 of Knights of the Fallen Empire

Star Fortress: Nar Shaddaa

Recruitable By: All Characters

Requirements: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (154) Chapter 9 KOTFE

Info: Veeroa Denz Recruitment



SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (155)

Joins: Knights of the Fallen Empire, Shroud of Memory Chapter

Alliance Alert: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (156) Arma Rasa

Recruitable By: All Characters who have unlocked the special chapter

Requirements: Must complete the SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (157) ‘To Find a Findsman’ Alliance Alert (Yuun) first

Info: HK-55 Recruitment


SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (158)

Joins: Knights of the Fallen Empire, Shroud of Memory Chapter

Alliance Alert: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (159) Arma Rasa

Recruitable By: All Characters who have unlocked the special chapter

Requirements: Must complete the SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (160) ‘To Find a Findsman’ Alliance Alert (Yuun) first

Info: Z0-0M Recruitment

Darth Hexid

SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (161)

Joins: Special, After Chapter 9 of Knights of the Fallen Empire

Alliance Alert: Darkness Rising

Recruitable By: All Characters

Requirements: Achievement, run 40 Groupfinder activities

Info: Darth Hexid Recruitment


SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (162)

Joins: Special, Section X

Recruitable By: All Characters

Requirements: Must be subscribed or unlocked Section X

Info: HK-51 Recruitment


SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (163)

Joins: Special, Cartel Market or Legacy

Recruitable By: All Characters

Info: Treek Recruitment

Gamorrean Guard

SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (164)

Joins: Special, Nightlife Event

Recruitable By: All Characters

Requirements: Costs 30 Golden Certificates from the Nightlife Event

Info: Gamorrean Guard Recruitment

Phrojo Nuray

SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (165)

Joins: Special, Nightlife Event

Recruitable By: All Characters

Requirements: Rare random drop from the Nightlife Event, from the purple Kingpin’s Bounty slot machines or the Emperor’s slot machine.

Info: Phrojo Nuray Recruitment

Quick Vrik

SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (166)

Joins: Special, Dantooine Pirate Event

Recruitable By: All Characters

Requirements: “Fastest Hydrospanner in the Western Reaches” Contract item from the Dantooine Pirate Incursion event, Legend rank with Dantooine, and 50 Dantooine Surveyor’s Notes – Ugnaught Companion

Info: Quick Vrik Recruitment

Lysslo (Geonosian)

SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (167)

Joins: Special, Ossus

Recruitable By: All Characters

Requirements: An uncommon drop from the Hive of the Mountain Queen single-boss operation

Info: Lysslo (Geonosian) Recruitment


SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (168)

Joins: Special, A Traitor Among the Chiss

Recruitable By: All Characters

Requirements: An uncommon drop from the A Traitor Among the Chiss flashpoint in all modes

Info: H2-WF Recruitment


Master Ranos

SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (169)

Joins: Galactic Seasons Token Reward

Alliance Alert: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (170) The Light Triumphant

Recruitable By: All Characters

Requirements: Does not require any other Alliance Alerts to be completed first

Info: Master Ranos Recruitment

Nico Okarr

SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (171)

Joins: Galactic Seasons Token Reward

Alliance Alert: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (172) Mixological Profiles

Recruitable By: All Characters

Requirements: Must complete the SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (173) ‘To Find a Findsman’ Alliance Alert (Yuun) first

Info: Nico Okarr Recruitment

Paxton Rall

SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (174)

Joins: Galactic Seasons Token Reward

Alliance Alert: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (175) Privateer Enlistment

Recruitable By: All Characters

Requirements: Does not require any other Alliance Alerts to be completed first

Info: Paxton Rall Recruitment

Shae Vizla

SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (176)

Joins: Galactic Seasons Token Reward

Alliance Alert: SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (177) Recruiting Shae Vizla

Recruitable By: All Characters

Requirements: Does not require any other Alliance Alerts to be completed first

Info: Shae Vizla Recruitment

SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (178) Questions or comments? Feel free to send me a message on Twitter @swtorista, Reddit /u/swtorista, Youtube Swtorista channel or by e-mail at the same name with gmail.com at the end. Have fun out there and may the Force be with you. ~ Swtorista

SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide (2024)


What is the max companion level in swtor? ›

Players who are crafting or gathering on a regular basis may want to raise up multiple companions on multiple characters, and a companion's influence level goes all the way up to level 50.

How to get new companions in SWTOR? ›

On top of the companions you earn the through the story and quests, there's also an assortment of companions you can get from the Cartel Market, either with Cartel Coins or bought with credits from other players on the GTN.

How many companions can you have in SWTOR? ›

Every Class has 5 unique companions as well as a ship droid, in addition, a special companion, HK-51 is available for unlock across all classes.

What is the 1000000 Credit cap Swtor? ›

As a Free-to-Play player, you have a Credit cap of 1 million Credits. Anything you earn over that is held in Escrow. You're restricted in the number of active characters you can have as detailed above. There are also restrictions on endgame content, all of which are outlined in-game.

What is the most populated server in swtor? ›

Star Forge and Darth Malgus are high population. Satele Shan and Tulak Hord are medium population. The Leviathan and Shae Vizla are low population.

How do I claim Darth Hexid? ›

To earn Darth Hexid, you must complete the "With a Little Help From My Friends" achievement, which requires that you run 40 Flashpoints, Uprisings, Starfighter matches, Warzones or Operations through the groupfinder.

How to get HK 51 SWTOR? ›

The HK-51 Droid companion is one of the most unique companions in Star Wars: The Old Republic, as unlike most companions which are earned through the story, HK-51 can only be earned through a long quest chain where the player rebuilds the droid after searching for scavenged parts that have been hidden across the galaxy ...

How do I get Arcann as a companion? ›

If you choose to make him an ally, he may become your companion. In Chapter 16 of Knights of the Fallen Empire, the player is in their shuttle and Senya takes Arcann to try and save him in her own shuttle. The player will have a decision to “[Let Arcann and Senya go]” or to “[Shoot Arcann and Senya down]”.

Can you transfer characters between servers in swtor? ›

The Character Transfer Service is now available! Join a qualifying destination server for a better gameplay experience. Make sure your character is on a qualifying destination server by July 30th to get special in-game rewards. Server mergers are coming later this summer.

How much does it cost to transfer a character in swtor? ›

Character Transfers cost 1,000 Cartel Coins per character. The price may be reduced occasionally when there's a sale on transfers in the Cartel Market. Cartel Coins are the only currency that you can use to pay for a Character Transfer.

What is the best companion in SWTOR? ›

SWTOR Companions Guide: best companions of Star Wars The Old Republic
  • Jedi Knight. T7-O1: Teeseven is an astromech droid that serves the purpose of being a ranged tank. ...
  • Trooper. Aric Jorgan: Aric is the representative of a Cathar race. ...
  • Smuggler. ...
  • Sith Warrior. ...
  • Sith Inquisitor. ...
  • Bounty Hunter. ...
  • Imperial Agent. ...
  • Jedi Consular.

What is the max credit cap in swtor? ›

Subscribers can hold up to 4 billion credits at a time, but it's a technical limit, not a subscription limit. Players of all types can place infinite credits in to their Legacy Bank to keep them from going in to escrow, though they will only ever be able to withdraw up to their credit cap limit.

Can you romance more than one person in the Old Republic? ›

STAR WARS™: The Old Republic™

You can only have one romance at the same time. If you romance a new option the previous romance will break up.

Does companion level matter in SWTOR? ›

Companion gifts of a given rank are only truly effective in certain ranges. Gifts will produce the maximum influence when that companion's Influence Rank is in the following range: Rank 1: 0-2000 : Influence Rank 1-10.

What is the max level item in swtor? ›

The gearing system starts at around item-rating 324, and has a max of item-rating 340. If you are a pure solo player, who does not plan on playing any group Flashpoints, Operations or PvP, the best gear you can get is green with a 336 item-rating, through the Conquest path.

What is the max legacy level in swtor? ›

You can see your current Legacy Level at the top of the Legacy Panel, near your Legacy name. Some unlocks and rewards are only available for players who have reached a certain legacy level, and the max is Legacy Level 50.

What is the level cap for sub swtor? ›


You will not be able to progress past level 60, you won't be able to access the expansions and their stories, and a few of the convenience restrictions, like the credit cap and the artifact authorization, will become a lot more frustrating.


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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

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