Recipes - Page 48 of 57 - Nadia's Healthy Kitchen (2024)

  • Recipes - Page 48 of 57 - Nadia's Healthy Kitchen (1)

    Middle Eastern Vegan Gluten-free Pizza Recipe

Middle Eastern Vegan Gluten-free Pizza Recipe

What I’m about to share with you is the best vegan and gluten-free pizza recipe I’ve ever made! It’s so full of amazing flavours that you won’t even notice the fact that it’s missing cheese. I know most people wouldn’t consider a pizza a real pizza unless it’s topped with cheese, but for those of us who can’t eat cheese, this is a seriously good pizza alternative!

Nadia2016-07-20T19:49:50+01:00July 20, 2016|Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Main Meals, Vegan, Vegetarian|10 Comments

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  • Recipes - Page 48 of 57 - Nadia's Healthy Kitchen (2)

    Vegan Gluten-free Chocolate Orange Cake

Vegan Gluten-free Chocolate Orange Cake

Every time I post a recipe that incorporates chocolate and orange, so many of you tell me it's one of your favourite flavour combinations. So it only made sense that I create more chocolate orange desserts!

Nadia2022-08-05T11:34:56+01:00July 12, 2016|Cakes, Dairy Free, Desserts, Gluten Free, Sugar Free, Sweet Snacks, Vegan, Vegetarian|43 Comments

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For those who don't know, Eid Al Fitr is a celebration that marks the end of the month of fasting (Ramadan), It's like the Muslim version of Christmas. A time to spend with loved ones accompanied by lots of yummy traditional food and desserts...

Nadia2016-07-04T19:43:50+01:00July 4, 2016|Cheesecake, Chocolate, Cookies, Dairy Free, Desserts, Gluten Free, Raw, Vegan, Vegetarian|11 Comments

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  • Recipes - Page 48 of 57 - Nadia's Healthy Kitchen (4)

Healthy Middle Eastern Cardamom Cookies Growing up in the Middle East meant I got the chance to enjoy plentyof desserts flavoured with cardamom. I love it so much that I cansafelysay it's my favourite spice. The hubby on the other side, hates cardamom, so I don't get to use it as much as I would like to. However, with Eid (the festival of breaking of the fast) fast approaching,I really wanted to create a Middle Eastern dessert, something that I grew up eating during this time. Last year I created a healthy, vegan and gluten-free version of the most popular Iraqi cookie - Kleicha, or date rolls/date filled cookies and they were a big hit! This year, I wanted to [...]

Nadia2016-07-02T19:17:44+01:00July 2, 2016|Cookies, Dairy Free, Desserts, Gluten Free, Sweet Snacks, Uncategorized, Vegan, Vegetarian, Video|13 Comments

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  • Recipes - Page 48 of 57 - Nadia's Healthy Kitchen (5)

    5 Ways to Use Tahini – Tahini Coleslaw

5 Ways to Use Tahini – Tahini Coleslaw

Do you have a jar of tahini in your cupboard that you bought to make homemade hummus but you're left with a jar that's still 3/4 way full and have no idea what to do with it? I'm here to tell you that you can do so much more with tahini than just as an addition to hummus.

Nadia2016-06-29T19:54:23+01:00June 29, 2016|Gluten Free, Main Meals, Noodles, Salads, Side dishes, Vegan, Vegetarian, Video|13 Comments

  • Recipes - Page 48 of 57 - Nadia's Healthy Kitchen (6)

Salted Caramel Tahini Cheesecake Who can resist salted caramel anything? Especially when it's full of healthy fats and fibre while beingbothvegan AND gluten-free! Not to mention it's in the form of a cheesecake. Are you drooling yet? This is by far the best 'raw' dessert I've ever tried. It has just the right amount of sweetness without being over the top, sickly sweet. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Tahini and dates are one of the best flavour combinations EVER! It's like the Middle Eastern equivalent ofpeanut butter & jelly. Of course me being biased I think tahini and dates tastes better, but each to their own, right :P To make it super smooth and creamy, I [...]

Nadia2022-08-05T11:34:56+01:00June 20, 2016|Cheesecake, Dairy Free, Desserts, Gluten Free, Raw, Sugar Free, Vegan, Vegetarian, Video|28 Comments

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  • Recipes - Page 48 of 57 - Nadia's Healthy Kitchen (7)

    Vegan Hemp Protein Bars

Vegan Hemp Protein Bars

If you’ve followed my blogging journey from the start, you’ll probably remember that I used to use whey protein powder in a lot of my desserts and baking. It was a fun way to add protein and flavour into recipes while keeping the calories low...

Nadia2016-06-19T17:05:41+01:00June 11, 2016|Dairy Free, Desserts, Gluten Free, Post Workout Meals, Protein bars, Protein recipes, snack, Sweet Snacks, Vegan, Vegetarian|20 Comments

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  • Recipes - Page 48 of 57 - Nadia's Healthy Kitchen (8)

Red Pesto Roasted Veggies I can eat roasted veggies all day. Roasting gives them so much more depth inflavour and you can add all kinds of spices to make them taste even more scrumptious. One of the things I love adding to roasted veggies is pesto, more specifically red pesto - which is made using sun-dried tomatoes. It's something I always try to have in my fridge since I use it in so many ways turna dishfrom average or even boringto 'I can't stop eating this' good! If you're a vegan or your diet is mainly plant-based like mine, pesto is probablyalreadya staple in your household. It's definitely a staple in mine! Its uses range form adding to pasta, as [...]

Nadia2016-06-07T18:26:03+01:00June 7, 2016|Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Main Meals, Vegan, Vegetarian, Video|16 Comments

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  • Recipes - Page 48 of 57 - Nadia's Healthy Kitchen (9)

I can't stop making these pea patties. I've been so busy the last few weeks that I'm exhausted by dinner time and I just want to whip up something quick and easy. I seem to be making the same things over and over again, but when they taste as good as good as these patties I really don't mind, and the hubby doesn't complain either...

Nadia2022-08-05T11:34:56+01:00June 1, 2016|Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Main Meals, Salads, Side dishes, Sugar Free, Vegan, Vegetarian, Video|11 Comments

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  • Recipes - Page 48 of 57 - Nadia's Healthy Kitchen (10)

Mexican Bean Rice with Salsa & Guacamole I grew up eating rice, lots and lots of rice!We literally had it everyday for lunch with some kind of tomato gravy/stew based dish. By the time I moved to England, I was so fed up of rice and never ate it out of choice. However, since I've cut out gluten, I find myself having strong cravings for rice, and after ten years of not eating much of it, I can finallyappreciate it now! I only cook brown rice at home, BUT I do still eat white ricewhen I'm out or at a relatives house...etc. Even though white rice does taste better, I love how hearty and filling brown rice is. You've probably [...]

Nadia2016-05-25T22:52:08+01:00May 25, 2016|Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Main Meals, Rice, Sauces and Dips, Vegan, Vegetarian, Video|9 Comments

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Recipes - Page 48 of 57 - Nadia's Healthy Kitchen (2024)


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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.