A guide to the RNC's new election integrity special counsel, election denier Christina Bobb (2024)

Christina Bobb, the former Trump staffer turned-OAN host turned-Trump attorney, has built her public profile by promulgating a vast array of 2020 election conspiracy theories. Bobb’s stalwart devotion endeared her to Trump, and after he effectively took over the Republican National Committee in March, her loyalty was rewarded with an appointment to RNC senior counsel for election integrity.

For a man as obsessed with the 2020 election as Trump, Bobb is a natural fit to help lead the RNC’s so-called election integrity efforts. She was involved in the Trump campaign’s fake electors scheme to usurp the Electoral College, and is frequently named in litigation surrounding the 2020 election. Bobb covered the Arizona election audit on OAN while also helping to coordinate it behind the scenes. And she launched a coordinated push to enlist election-denying Trump supporters as poll workers — she even wrote a recent book about it, Stealing Your Vote.

Other than her tireless work undermining fair elections, the rest of Bobb’s beliefs read like a laundry list of right-wing misinformation. Describing herself as a “conspiracy theorist,” Bobb has also endorsed the great replacement theory, hyped fears of a second U.S. civil war, and, as an OAN host, spread a notable amount of anti-LGBTQ bigotry, particularly against trans people.

Bobb has appeared on a vast array of far-right podcasts and shows, including regular appearances on a show that also hosted antisemites and white nationalists, Coffee and a Mike. Bobb has also appeared alongside multiple QAnon influencers, several of whom were part of her election denial book tour.

Bobb’s extremist beliefs, her antidemocratic “election integrity” crusade, and her repeated appearance in legal documents alleging defamation related to the 2020 election make her a troubling fit for a role related to “election integrity.”

  • Christina Bobb has built a career off election denialism since November 2020

    • Bobb is a ride-or-die Trump supporter who made her name pushing 2020 election conspiracy theories on far-right propaganda outlet One America News. As a host and reporter, Bobb insisted that Democrats had stolen the 2020 election by rigging election machines, destroying Republican ballots, and inflating President Joe Biden’s results with phony ballots. [Media Matters 2/22/22, 10/11/22, 11/4/20, 1/27/21; OAN, Weekly Briefing, 11/7/20, 1/9/21]
    • Bobb notably urged then-Vice President Mike Pence not to certify the election during the January 6 insurrection. While insurrectionists breached the capitol, Bobb tweeted at Pence, saying that he could “solve this now by sending it back to the legislators.” [Media Matters, 1/6/21]
    • Bobb participated in the Trump campaign’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election while the Trump campaign reportedly retained “veto power” over her OAN stories. While pushing election conspiracies at OAN, Bobb began volunteering for the “elite strike force” led by Trump legal team members and conspiracy theorists Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell shortly after the 2020 presidential election. According to Giuliani, the Trump campaign had “veto power” over Bobb’s stories at OAN. [The Daily Beast, 10/4/21]
    • Bobb reportedly worked behind the scenes on Trump's fake elector scheme. Bobbattended at least one call about prepping the alternate elector slates. [Media Matters, 1/24/22; The New York Times, 7/26/22; Washington Post, 1/20/22]
    • Bobb was tied to the Trump legal team’s efforts toseize voting machines. Her name appeared in the metadata of a document “nearly identical” to a draft executive order shared with the January 6 committee, which would have directed the Secretary of Defense to seize voting machines in a desperate bid to overturn the 2020 election. [Politico, 2/9/22, 1/21/22]
    • Bobb was reportedly present for several key events that preceded the attack on the Capitol. Bobb listened in on Trump’s phone call asking Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to find an additional 11,780 votes and overturn Biden’s legal victory — the subject of the former president’s fourth indictment. Bobb was also reportedly present at the “command center” in the Willard Hotel in Washington, D.C., where the Trump campaign plotted to deny Biden the presidency on January 6, 2021. [Times of San Diego, 12/29/22; Washington Post, 10/23/21, 8/15/23]
    • Bobb continued acting as a conduit for Giuliani and the Trump legal team after the insurrection, organizing and pushing for bogus election audits, which she promoted on OAN. Bobb provided documents and witness testimony to kick off the 2021 Arizona audit, a failed attempt to uncover evidence of election fraud that was subsequently replicated by conspiracy theorists in other swing states that Biden won. Documents obtained by American Oversight reveal that Bobb also coordinated with audit organizer Doug Logan and various lawmakers. [Media Matters, 2/22/22; Business Insider, 6/8/21; American Oversight, 6/9/23, accessed 3/21/24; U.S. District Court, Northern District of Georgia, Complaint For Declaratory, Emergency, and Permanent Injunctive Relief, 9/1/21]
    • Bobb fundraised over $600,000 for the audits and supplied volunteers for the ballot review through her nonprofit, Voices and Votes, which she repeatedly plugged on OAN. Some of this money was used to fund pilgrimages for various lawmakers to the Arizona audit. Bobb then promoted some of those lawmakers’ political campaigns on OAN. [Media Matters, 7/6/21, 7/29/21, 7/18/22; Arizona Mirror, 6/7/22; Open Secrets, 6/9/21; Washington Post, 6/18/21]
    • After leaving OAN in March 2022, Bobb kept up her focus on supposed election fraud as a Trump lawyer and the Trump 2024 campaign “election integrity director.” Bobb’s title change came with a larger platform. She’s appeared on Fox News, Newsmax, Real America’s Voice, and Right Side Broadcasting Network (RSBN), where she moonlighted as a Trump rally co-host. Bobb used this platform to defend Trump and promote debunked conspiracies and legal theories about U.S. elections. [Business Insider, 9/10/22; Daily Beast, 3/10/22; Twitter/X, 3/30/23, 1/26/23; Media Matters, 10/31/22, 11/17/22; Fox News, The Ingraham Angle, 8/15/22; Newsmax, Wake Up America, 8/19/22]
    • For years, Bobb pushed for her OAN viewers and other election deniers to volunteer as poll workers — something that is now a key element of the RNC’s 2024 election plan. Bobb’s consistent efforts to staff elections with conspiracy theorists presaged the RNC’s plans to mobilize on-the-ground “election integrity directors” for 2024. The effort at least partially relies on a roster of prolific election denialists to train poll workers. The broader climate of fear and falsehoods has led to some states taking proactive action to protect their election processes from election denialist interference in 2024. [Media Matters, 10/25/21, 6/14/22; Axios, 10/11/23; Politico, 10/4/22; 8/2/22; Washington Post, 2/9/24]
    • In 2023, Bobb released a book recapping her experience fighting “election fraud” titled Stealing Your Vote: The Inside Story of the 2020 Election and What It Means for 2024. Trump advisor Steve Bannon wrote the introduction to the book, in which he described it as a “combat memoir.” Times of San Diego’s Ken Stone said Bobb’s book features several debunked assertions about voter fraud and the election process, many of which he fact-checked. [Christina-Bobb.com, 2023; Times of San Diego, 3/16/23; Rolling Stone, 3/12/24]
  • Bobb has repeatedly been embroiled in legal issues surrounding Trump

    • Bobb was subpoenaed by the January 6 select committee. Bobb revealed that she drafted several tweets on January 6, imploring states Trump nearly won to delay their electors, and that she “shared information” with adviser Peter Navarro on the fake electors plot. Bobb also confirmed that she worked, to varying degrees, to overturn the election in Arizona, Michigan, New Mexico, Georgia, and Nevada, coordinating with GOP lawmakers to push nonsense legal theories. [Times of San Diego, 3/1/22; House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6 Attack on the Capitol Interview of Christina Bobb, 4/21/22]
    • Special counsel Jack Smith is currently investigating the Trump legal team’s fake electors scheme, in which Bobb played arole. In addition to working with Navarro and conducting other behind-the-scenes legal work in key states, Bobb’s part in the plot involved working with Giuliani and fellow Trump attorney John Eastman to push the lie that the election was stolen, especially on OAN, where she concurrently worked. [Media Matters, 1/24/22; House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6 Attack on the Capitol, Interview of Christina Bobb, 4/21/22; The New York Times, 10/11/22, 8/4/23]
    • Two Georgia election workers cited Bobb multiple times in their defamation suit against OAN. Ruby Freeman and Wandrea Moss cited two episodes of Bobb’s OAN show, Weekly Briefing, for publishing “lies” about them. The suit was settled in 2022. [Freeman and Moss v. OAN, Rion, Giuliani, 12/23/21; Associated Press, 5/12/22]
    • Voting systems company Smartmatic cited Bobb’s reports in their ongoing defamation case against One America News. Smartmatic cited Bobb’s OAN show Weekly Briefing in its initial suit and later subpoenaed Bobb in 2022. [Smartmatic v. Herring Networks, Inc., 1/3/24; CNN, 1/29/24; Business Insider, 11/22/22]
    • Dominion Voting Systems also sued Bobb for defamation as part of its lawsuit against OAN. [Dominion Voting Systems, Inc. v. Herring Networks, Inc., 8/10/21; Times of San Diego, 5/9/23]
    • Bobb was named several times in then-Dominion executive Eric Coomer’s defamation suit against the Trump campaign. The filing mentions her journalistically unethical coverage of the Arizona “audit” and her work to overturn the election in Michigan. The suit was settled in 2023. [Eric Coomer v. Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. et al., 9/17/21; Business Insider, 9/5/23]
    • Bobb signed a false letter claiming no federal records remained at Mar-a-Lago. As Trump’s attorney, Bobb signed a false statement to the Department of Justice affirming that a “diligent search” of the property had been performed and that no more government records remained at Trump’s Florida home in June 2022. She reportedly insisted on inserting a disclaimer that she herself had not personally searched the premises. Bobb later appeared before the grand jury in the same case prior to Trump being criminally charged. [Associated Press, 10/11/22; Business Insider, 10/11/22; The Wall Street Journal, 2/11/23]
  • Bobb has also pushed a laundry list of white nationalist, anti-LGBTQ, and pandemic-related conspiracy theories

    • Bobb endorsed the “great replacement” conspiracy theory, a white nationalist-promoted claimthat non-white immigrants are being imported by Democrats to “replace” white Americans. In a January 2024 interview on Firebrand, which streams on Rumble, Bobb said the border situation in Texas “is potentially the great replacement theory,” and added that unnamed people are “trying to dilute the American population.” The following day, Bobb endorsed the “whole idea of the great replacement theory” again. Bobb told conspiracy theorist Joe Hoft, “They're trying to replace the population. The funny part is it's not working.” She explained, “There's a lot of people who are like, I'm an illegal immigrant, but I'm, you know, I want to vote for Donald Trump.” [Rumble, Firebrand, 1/26/24; Rumble, The Joe Hoft Show, 1/27/24; National Immigration Forum, 12/2021]
    • Bobb insisted that Biden was not legitimately elected and called the Biden administration “fascists.” In April 2021, Bobb told OAN viewers, “Joe Biden is not a legitimate president.” In January 2022, Bobb called the Biden-Harris administration “illegitimate,” adding, “We are being ruled by fascists right now.” “Nothing about this presidency is legitimate,” Bobb asserted, “They didn’t win the election legitimately.” [Media Matters, 4/26/21; OAN, Weekly Briefing,1/1/22]
    • Bobb insisted that Capitol rioters were innocent and blamed law enforcement for the insurrection. In her deposition to the House January 6 committee, Bobb blamed law enforcement agencies for the insurrection and insisted, “There are people sitting in jail who do not deserve to be in jail because this is a political witch-hunt.” [U.S. House of Representatives, Select Committee to Investigate the January 6 Attack on the U.S. Capitol, 4/21/2022, p. 178-179]
    • Bobb told a Capitol rioter who was accused of beating a cop, “I’m inspired by people like you.” In January 2023, Bobb appeared on the podcast of Jake Lang, who is currently awaiting trial for his participation in the January 6 insurrection. Bobb told Lang that people like him give her hope that Americans “will take our country back.” A month prior, Bobb platformed the “political prisoner” in a nearly 12-minute interview posted to her Instagram. [Gateway Pundit, The Political Prisoner Podcast, 1/31/23; Instagram, 12/12/22; Courthouse News Service, 9/20/21]
    • In a 2021 OAN interview, Bobb agreed that America was “in the midst of a civil war.” WorldStrat President Jim Hanson told Bobb, “I don’t think there’s any question that we are” in a civil war, but “we’re fortunately not to the shooting phase of it.” Hanson said it was time for the right to “go ahead and start fighting back or we will end up letting them [the left] take this republic away from us.” Bobb responded, “I think that’s a good assessment.” [OAN, Weekly Briefing, 4/10/21]
    • Bobb encouraged viewers to support the anti-vaccinetrucker convoys while at OAN, exclaiming, “Honk Honk is a global call for freedom!” Bobb directed viewers to “raise your voice to stand with Canada and push back against the Marxists, tyrannical powers trying to destroy the world.” Bobb previously called the truckers, who were part of an international anti-vaccine mandate protest championed by conspiracy theorists, “heroes.” [OAN, Weekly Briefing, 3/28/22, 3/28/22, 2/26/22; Media Matters, 2/17/22]
    • In 2023, Bobb said It's “very valid” to wonder if COVID-19 was “intentionally” released to mess up the 2020 election. [Media Matters, 2/14/23]
    • Bobb spread anti-trans hate in an OAN special undermining the Equality Act, which would have prohibited discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. Bobb’s special, titled “One America News Investigates: Weaponizing Sex and Gender,”accused trans athletes of taking away opportunities from girls, portrayed transgender people as predators, and claimed the Equality Act “would actually control and penalizethought.” Bobb concluded, “The Equality Act does not provide equality. It promotes inequality for women and girls,” before directing viewers to “contact your U.S. senators and tell them how you expect them to vote on this bill.”[OAN, One America News Investigates: Weaponizing Sex and Gender, 3/14/21, 3/14/21, 3/14/21; The New York Times, 5/17/19]
    • Bobb said GOP leaders who put Americans “in the ridiculous position of questioning whether to teach our children their gender” must “be replaced.” “Whether a child is a boy or girl should be one of those very simple facts that’s not difficult. Where are Republican leaders?” Bobb asked, “The conservative leaders that have been in office for decades not pushing back on the ever-encroaching reach of communism need to be replaced.” [OAN, Weekly Briefing, 3/6/21]
    • Bobb attacked Amazon for supporting “the multi-gender movement” because its marketplace included t-shirts “that say there are more than two genders.” The March 2021 OAN segment also targeted Hasbro for dropping the honorific in the Mr. Potato Head toy line. “No longer Mister,” she complained. One of Bobb’s panelists blamed these developments on “a radical social agenda that’s been turned into sort of a furious militant frenzy. It’s something reminiscent of, you know, the French Revolution.” [OAN, Weekly Briefing, 3/6/21]
  • The self-described “conspiracy theorist” frequents QAnon and white nationalist-affiliated podcasts and events

    • Bobb spoke at the ReAwaken America tour, which featured other MAGA figures and an assortment of racist extremists. The tour notably featured three Hitler-praising antisemites until their removal, which was directly preceded by Media Matters reporting on the speakers’ rhetoric. One such Hitler promoter, antisemitic influencer Ian Smith, remained on the tour lineup and was enthusiastically defended by other speakers. [Media Matters, 10/16/23, 10/12/23]
    • Bobb told white nationalist podcaster Stew Peters that she’d like to see treason trials over the 2020 election. When Peters asked if we will ever see trials for “these traitors that have stolen our country,” noting that “for treason, one of the, you know, potential punishments for that is death,” Bobb replied, “I certainly hope we do,” and pushed for the audience to get involved in elections. [Media Matters, 1/27/23]
    • Bobb pushed election denial on the podcast of “Patriot Streetfighter” Scott McKay, a Hitler-praising antisemite. “2020 just highlighted how cowardly and impotent the Republican party is,” Bobb said. “It's infuriating that they are just allowing the liberal mafia to just steamroll over our constitutional rights, and the reason they're able to do that is because the Republicans aren't pushing back.” [Media Matters, 10/11/23; Rumble,The Tipping Point, 11/29/21]
    • Bobb called herself a “conspiracy theorist” on her book tour through multiple QAnon-associated podcasts. Bobb appeared on MatrixxxGroove Show (where she described herself as a conspiracy theorist), X22 Report, The Mel K Show, The Zelenko Report, and Making Sense of the Madness. Bobb encouraged the audiences of these QAnon-supporting or associated shows to become poll workers and observers. [Media Matters, 2/2/23; Rumble, MatrixxGrooveShow, 2/7/23]
    • From 2020 through 2023, Bobb repeatedly appeared on a right-wing podcast that hosted antisemites, white nationalists, and various alt-right figures, Coffee and a Mike. Notable guests have included Southern Poverty Law Center-designated hate group VDARE’s Lydia and Peter Brimelow, white nationalist internet personality John Christopher Zeeman (known online as the “Z Man”), and Holocaust denier Ron Unz. [Coffee and a Mike, 11/18/23, 2/23/24, 9/1/23, 1/19/24, 9/25/23, 9/22/23, 8/2/23, 9/19/20, 1/12/21, 4/15/22, 8/15/23; Southern Poverty Law Center, 2/18/22, accessed 3/21/24; The Guardian, 6/6/23]
  • Correction (4/4/24): This piece originally stated that Times of San Diego's Ken Stone said Bobb's book consists of “selected fact-checks”; in fact he did “selected fact-checks” of her book.

A guide to the RNC's new election integrity special counsel, election denier Christina Bobb (2024)


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